
The Media-based Arts and Design in the Philippines

      The Media-based Arts and Design in the Philippines        M edia-based art developed through time, some parts of the world may have embraced its advantages earlier compared to others, but nonetheless, it is evident how changes in medium and forms of art dependent upon it have allowed the creative minds of Filipino filmmakers, animators and cartoonist to realize that there is no boundary in their field of art because it grows, develops and changes as time progress.              Independent films, animation, and cartoons are some of the art that are based on media. Thus, they are executed through a medium which may vary depending on the form of art.   It is an unrecognized fact that films made form specific countries inevitably portray the social and/or economic status of the country of origin. Such a statement can be supported by how in 1999, the Philippines was the fourth-largest film producer in the world, but it decreased dramatically to 89 in 2001, and lowe